Friday, August 9

Friday Five (.org)

1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it? I have a black 2000 Toyota Camry. Bill has a black 1999 Toyota 4Runner. Both of the vehicles being black are a coincidence!

2. Do you drive very often? Yes, with Bill being at work alot, I do have to drive alot. I'd go crazy cooped up in my house all day!

3. What's your dream car? Any Maserati!

4. Have you ever received a ticket? Nope. (fingers-crossed and knock on wood!)

5. Have you ever been in an accident? Twice. Once when I couldn't stop on a slippery road while going to college, and the other time when I thought the car in front of me was moving into traffic but didn't at the last second. I bumped into the back of her. In either accident, I wasn't hurt.

The rest of my day was excellent! We had a lovely walk along a trail that meanders through the woods. We went to lunch, after taking the dogs back to my house. I did my best today to bring out a little of L.'s creativity. I love painting on pottery. I found one of those places in Whitehall, and that is where L. and I spent our afternoon. I've done it before, but L. was the newbie. For someone who says they are not creative, she did very well. She painted a doggie bag "wall-pocket" in colors to match her little dog Benji. I painted a mug with daisies that I drew free-hand onto the mug. It will take a week for the pieces to be fired, and we are both anxious to see how it all comes out. They have so many different things to paint! So much to choose from, so little time!
This morning, as I was getting the dogs ready to meet L. in the park for a nice walk, the phone rang. I should have let it ring, as I was running late, but I picked it up. It was LT. so-in-so from the Friends of the Police. He asked if I had a minute, and I told him that I was on my way out the door. He insisted that it would take only a few minutes, and started talking. I'm almost always polite, so I just let him go. He said "Do you feel that you should support the FOP in these dark times?". That statement ruined everything that he was going to say to me. How long are we going to use September 11th as a marketing ploy? Using the fear that gripped our country on that terrible day isn't going to make me buy something. I have nothing but pride and respect for policemen, firemen, EMT and the like. They are doing something that I couldn't do. They risk their lives everyday to help or save people. My heart broke on Sept. 11th when all those people died. It's something we should never forget, but it shouldn't be kept in our memory in a way that cheapens what happened that day. I was shocked that this LT. would beg for money using the tragedy to benefit the FOP. It sickened me. Everyone says that THAT day brought us all closer together, gave us more compassion for our fellow man. I haven't seen it. All I have seen is commemorative coins made from the steel from the girders of the WTC. I've seen "the last remaining postcards of the WTC" for auction on Ebay. I've seen people taking advantage of a system that was thrown into turmoil that day. It breaks my heart that those innocent people, whether they are "civilian" or fireman, should be so cheaply remembered. They deserve better than that.

Thursday, August 8

Wow. The neighbor's kid, Avery, is very trusting. Too trusting. Bill and I were outside cleaning and waxing our vehicles. I had the doors to my car open, washing the windows. She comes over, jumps in the car, starts going through my stuff (glovebox and such - I think she wanted my Dalmatian beanie). Bill told me to pull the car in the garage, so I get out and close the doors, get back in and start the car. She's like, where are we going? She was excited, like we were going on an adventure! What a little nut! Her Mom is over in her front yard, pulling weeds and talking on the phone at the same time - obviously not worried about where her little girl is! Maybe, when you have 5 kids, you stop worrying about them and let them fend for themselves! Weird!
Today, I've been thinking about yesterday. Yesterday was an excellent day! The store managers in Bill's district had a "meeting" at Dorneypark. It was a perfect day for an amusement park... it was sunny, but not to hot; breezy, but not too cool. The lines weren't that long, which was great! We spent the day with R. and L., Tony and Colleen and their nearly two year old adorable daughter, Maggie. I spent most of the day soaking wet after riding the Canyon Rapids ride (it must have been over 1000 gallons of water falling on my head - at least that's what it felt like!). My favorite ride was the Steel Force roller coaster. At one time, it was the tallest roller coaster in the US. The first hill is the best... you are slowly pulled to the top, and just as you think you are just going over the other side, they let you hang there for a few seconds... kinda gives you this awesome view of what's ahead of you. You hold your breath for that moment, and then scream all the way down the other side. So awesome! I also rode the Laser, which is a double-loop coaster. I love the feeling of keeping your eyes open through the loops! You don't really feel like you are upside-down. One ride I did try to conquer was Dominator. I never said I was brave. I never said these rides didn't scare me. My enjoyment of these rides stems from my fear... I love that feeling of that pit of fear in your stomach. But this was too much. I did try to ride it. I got in line with L. and Colleen. I made it all the way to the seat. But as they were lowering the harness on me, I freaked, and pleaded to get off! I couldn't move fast enough away from that thing! My main thought was, "Jeez, I just ate lunch and it wasn't THAT good that I would want to taste it again!". Bill was a trooper. I was proud of him. I married a man who intensely dislikes thrill rides. He doesn't like being tossed upside down 200 ft. in the air. If he has to go to an amusement park, he is the guy who sits at the exit holding your purse while you are on the ride. As I said, I do give him credit for being a trooper. We did go on the bumper cars (only for the chance of bashing his car into his boss's car!) Somehow we convinced him to go on Canyon Rapids. He didn't want to, but going on was better than being ribbed about it all afternoon! He got in the raft, closed his eyes, and just let the million gallons of water, that seemed to be specifically aiming at him, fall on his heat. His shoes were ruined for the day, and he walked around barefoot for the rest of the day. What a guy! It was a very fun day... good fun with good people!

Tuesday, August 6

I wish I was better at HTML!
While Bill is downstairs blasting a disco version of a song from "Phantom of the Opera", I will write my blog.

I worked at my brother Pete's restaurant today. I usually fill in when his regular (and only) waitress is sick or just needs a day off. I do have a long ride to get there, and of course I would get stuck behind very slow moving vehicles while on route. At times like these, I can understand "road rage"! I'm glad we were a little busy... the clientele is a fast-moving lunch time crowd... you really have to be on your toes to keep up. Today I almost made it to that point where I didn't know what to do next... I had no one cleaning of the tables or counter for me. Finally, Pete sent my other brother Bob to help. Phew! I may complain about the drive (76 miles), but it's always nice to see ol' familiar faces (I used to be the main waitress there years ago, before I moved away from the area). That's what I like about it. That, and also seeing people who aren't normal. One guy came in, dressed head to toe in American flag clothes... his pants were striped on one side, and starred on the other, his coat was a flag, and he had a flag on his chest. A few people started singing the "Star Spangled Banner" when he walked in. Hey, he's marching to the beat of his own drummer! As long as he doesn't hurt anyone, more power to him!
Here's my "This or That" for today from Christine

1. What's your personal clothing style...trendy or classic? I would have to say, classic, with some trends thrown in for effect!
2. Do you shop for designer names or stick with the more generic brands? More generic brands
3. Work clothes: dressy or casual? When I work, it's usually casual
4. Days off style: dressy or casual? Definitely casual
5. Women: high heels or flats? FLATS!
6. Do you have a large wardrobe, or just a few carefully selected pieces? I have a medium sized wardrobe... I don't like to throw anything away!
7. Do you shop for clothing at stores or from catalogs/internet? Stores... I don't want to go through the hassle of returning items to online retailers or mail order catalogs if something doesn't fit right.
8. Are most of your clothes dry-clean only or machine-washable? Machine washable, and I hate ironing!
9. You buy an article of clothing and realize it is all wrong for you when you get home. Return or keep it? Return it.
10. Hats: yes or no? I wish I could wear them, but no!

Monday, August 5

We got to the movie theatre last night early, so we sat in the lobby until our friends arrived. I could see into the game room. At the entrance to the room was the new "video" game that is like a dance machine... you dance along to the little animated guy on the screen, scoring points by hitting the correct pads with your feet on the floor. I saw something that made me really angry. A somewhat heavy-set teenage boy stepped onto the machine. He looked around at all the people, as if he were deciding whether he should put his money in the machine. Finally he did. I gave him alot of credit for that, to dance in front of all those strangers. He wasn't the best dancer, and he was missing alot of his steps, but at least he was doing it. Well, these two young men, probably in their late teens or very early twenties walked up behind him, and proceded to make fun of the boy from behind. I get so angry when I see things like that. It is hard enough to be a teenager (of even just an individualist), but to have someone make fun of you for just wanting to have fun, for just wanting to express yourself, is terrible. If you ask me, the guys who where doing the ridiculing were the one's who looked stupid, and it didn't seem like too many people thought they were funny (except for their dates... hope they are proud of their small-minded men). I have never been skinny. My weight has gone up and down through the years. But I have never felt less than someone because I was like that. Some people never realize that it's what's on the inside that counts. I was artsy in high school when being artsy wasn't cool. I didn't go out and dye my hair a different color, but I liked brightly colored clothes. I remember buying a Hawaiian shirt and wearing it to school one day. I walked down the hall, trying to ignore the snickers and comments of the students. I remember having a basketball thrown at my head while I was walking along the side of the basketball court one day after gym. The guys thought it was funny, and didn't care that I passed out, and received a slight concussion from it. But all of this made me a better person, and more tolerant of people and things that are different. I learned from the experience. I hope that that boy in the game room at the movie theatre doesn't take it to heart and shut himself down from being himself. I hope he learns from it too.
I saw this story atSandee's site, and thought it would be fun to fill out. Thanks Sandee!

1)How often do you cry? I try not to cry too often, but sometimes I can't help it!

2)What makes you cry the easiest? Missing my Mom.

3)What makes you really happy? Spending time with Bill, laughing with friends, creating my art, playing with my dogs.

4)Has anyone close to you died? Both my parents and my grandparents.

5)Has anyone close to you ever committed suicide? No.

6)Have you ever cried over the death of a celebrity? Yes, Princess Diana

7)What would be the scariest way to die? Drowning, or burning to death, I think.

8)What do you do in your spare time? Walk my dogs, read, draw, answer letters.

9)What are some of your favorite restaurants? I like Hunan Springs (Chinese), Panera Bread, Outback.

10)What time do you wake up in the morning? Usually by 8 am.

11)What is your natural sleeping position? On my right side.

12)How many rooms does your house have? 12

13)How many times have you moved in your life? 11

14)What city/state/country would you like to live in? I would like to live in a big city, even if it's just for a while... like New York, London, or Chicago

15)Have you ever lived on your own? No

16)Do you enjoy alone time? Yes

17)If you were stranded at home for a weekend with no computer or television, what would you do to entertain yourself? I'd go for a walk, read a book, draw, make stained glass, cook a dinner that I never made before, play chess or solitaire, or...?

18)If there were a book about your life, what would it be called? To borrow from the old tv show, the book would be called "Square Peg".

19)What word or phrase best describes your sense of style? Casual

20)What's your favorite article of clothing? A big, bulky sweater.

21)What fashion season are you? Spring

22)Current Mood= anxious

23)Current Music= Allegria

24)Current Taste= Coke

25)Current hair= short and messy

26)Current annoyance= that I have to drive to Scranton tomorrow to work at my brother's restaurant

27)Current Scent= Green Tea by Arden

28)Current Meaningless thought = have to brew the coffee

29)Current Longing= ice cream
It was a quiet day yesterday. My brother Pete came for a visit... was out driving around and thought he would come and see the new house. It's 75 miles from his house, so that was really nice of him to drive to see me. So far, he is the only one in my family to do so, and I believe he will remain the only one.

Went to see "Signs" last night with Bill and our friends Nino and Brandi. The movie was good, but it didn't have the signature twist at the end of which the director is known. I did like the fact that there was some humor in it... the kids were great.