Saturday, September 28

OH! Of all people to call me today... it had to be someone I least expected! The store manager of Barnes & Nobles bookstore called to ask me to come in for an interview! I wasn't expecting it. I told her that I was sorry... I already found a job elsewhere. I honestly didn't think she was going to call... it had been a few weeks since I put my application there, and she mentioned that I may be useful in the cafe, but no one called about that. I'm sticking with Panera Bread. Not only for the great discount on the yummy breads, but also because the guy hired me on the spot! I will always be a B&N customer, I just won't be working there any time soon!
I spent too much time on the computer today. Most if it is my sister's fault. She is newer to HTML than I am, and she did something crazy to her blog. I didn't know how to fix it, so I told her I would make a new blog for her. I'm still using blogger & blog*spot, but I did customize it for her. I am so proud of the results! Now I may fiddle with mine! I also had to do work for Bill... he needed things for two displays at work... thought baloons with customer comments, and a birthday club display. I had fun with both of them... I had to fool around with my graphics program... and the results are pretty good if I may say so for myself!

Friday, September 27

Today was fun. I went to the matinee showing of "Sweet Home Alabama" with L. It was a cute movie... we got alot of good laughs out of it! (Though we probably shouldn't have laughed during one part that was supposed to be sad. It's funny how loud your laughs sound in a theatre when you are the only person laughing! Sheesh!).

We went to an Ames store, which was having their going out of business sale. I picked up a cheap, yet comfortable pair of shoes to wear at work. L. bought a lamp, as well as a few other things. We get back to her house, and realize that she was charged twice for the lamp. L. called the store, and told them what happened. After putting her on hold, they come back and say there is nothing they can do. L. hung up the phone very angry. I was angry. But I know how nasty stores can be when the liquidation companies are in charge. They don't care if they are screwing the customer... they just want to get as much money out of the store as they can. The lamp at it's original price wasn't as much as two lamps combined! I went home, and L. went back to the store, this time with her husband. She called me a short time later to let me know that her hubby kept explaining his position calmly until he convinced the manager to do something for them. Instead of giving them a refund, they gave them another lamp! She didn't need another lamp, but at least she doesn't feel cheated! I'm glad everything worked out... it would have ruined a very nice day if it didn't!

Thursday, September 26

I Have A Job!
After my sad little post of this morning, I don't want to seem too excited in this posting, but I can't help it... I am. Bill and I have been going to this bakery-cafe since it opened last Spring. It's called Panera Bread. I went in today, to buy some bagels, and I walked out with a job! I filled out the application, and gave it to the guy who turned out to be the general manager. He interviewed me on the spot (poor Bill was sitting out in the truck waiting for me!). He said my personality was the kind they like for their people. First he said he had an assistant manager who usually takes care of hiring, but she was off today. He said he would give her my application, and have her call me. Then he hesitated, gave my app one more going over and said... forget it, I'd like to offer you a job! I have orientation on Monday, and then I will get my training schedule. The coolest thing, I think, is that I will train to be a barrista! I'll learn to make all those yummy fancy coffees that I love so much! We get a huge discount... lots of delicious bread and bagels in our future! I think this will be a fun part time job!
I have come to believe that there are no guardian angels looking out for us. People make mistakes... some people realize what they did and try to make things right. But life has a way of punching you in your stomach and laughing in your face. How bad do things have to get before they get better?

We got a phone call the other day informing us that Bill's Uncle Tom was rushed to the hospital. His blood glucose levels were dangerously high. Bill's family has a strange philosophy when it comes to health care... it's a "don't ask don't tell" thing. You don't know you are sick until it's too late. I'm caught between being angry because of this mentality, and being afraid that something bad is going to happen. I take this very seriously... both my parents died from complications from diabetes. Today Bill's sister called and said that Tom is till in ICU, and now they have found that he has diabetic infections in his bones. The doctors are performing tests to find out the extent of it. They are in New York State... about a 3 1.2 hour drive away.

I am usually a very bubbly and happy person. I'm very optimistic and things don't get me down. But the events of the last week are really wearing on me.

Wednesday, September 25

I called Barnes & Nobles yesterday and spoke to the store manager. She said her cafe manager needs someone to work weekends, and would like to know if I was interested. She said she usually starts you in the cafe, and then brings you "storeside" eventually. I told her I have the restaurant experience, but I'd have to learn how to make all the fancy coffees and stuff. She said she would give my application to the manager today. Hopefully she will call me. I also called Borders. The gal I spoke to there said that her store manager was looking at apps that day, and that I should get a call any day. I think I would rather work at B&N, but if I had the choice of cafe or running a register, I would pick the register. I would rather deal with customers buying books, than make someone's coffee wrong! I know how seriously some people take their coffees!

Tuesday, September 24

I love eating dinner at home every night. Bill and I are saving money, and I am finding new recipes to make yummy vegetarian dinners. There is one problem, though. I hate doing dishes. I have a dishwasher... but I hate the loading and the unloading! Is there ever a happy medium!?!
Brush With Fame
As I was driving home from the park yesterday, I had my favorite XM Radio station on, channel 152 (a channel which broadcasts morning talk shows from radio stations around the country). One of the hosts commented on their "Toilet Brushes with Fame", where they were in the men's room, at the urinal next to someone famous. The stories were funny, and they got me thinking if I ever met anyone famous. Well, kinda sorta. It wasn't in the bathroom. It was actually during a 6th or 7th grade field trip to the Museum of Natural History in NYC. My friends and I were standing in a group, in the room with the life-sized whale. We saw someone who looked like Jerry Stiller (of Seinfeld and father of Ben fame). At that time, he was one of the stars on "Archie Bunker's Place". We kept looking at him, whispering to ourselves "is that who we think it is". Apparently we weren't as quiet as we thought, because he came over to us and said, "Yes, I am who you think I am, but please don't draw attention. I'm trying to enjoy a quiet day out with my son". With him was a boy, a little younger than us, or maybe the same age as us. Now that I think of it, it was Ben who was with him! We were so thrilled that he spoke to us, that we did as he asked and kept quiet. That was my only brush with fame! Another time in NYC, on a field trip, one of the groups saw Tom Cruise walking down the street (around the time when he grew his hair long for the movie "Legend"). I didn't see him, but I wasn't to broken up about it! I'm one of the few people in the U.S. who doesn't like Tom Cruise. The whole bus was abuzz with the sighting, but I didn't care!

Monday, September 23

Today was like my workout day! I finally had the gumption to go to the gym, and I did a good workout. It was funny when I was on the elliptical rider: the girl next to me seemed to be racing me. It was like she didn't want to go the same pace as I was! That's fine with me, as my pace is usually a little faster that a snail's pace! I never worry about who's next to me. I'm there to get healthy and lose weight, that's it! I don't know what this chickie's problem was! Anyway! When I got home, I called Lin, and we decided to take our dogs for a walk! So everyone got exercised today! Fredo, my Dalmatian, did a quick pull of my arm as he saw some invisible animal in the woods, which caused me to mistep on a rock and kinda twist my ankle. It's a little sore, but nothing I can't handle!

Sunday, September 22

Happy Autumn!

Today begins my favorite time of year! There was a full moon last night, but I couldn't see it because it was raining, and the clouds blocked the moon. I can't wait til the leaves start changing. I remember riding my horse through the woody trail at my Mom's house. It wasn't too cold, but you still had to wear a lightweight jacket. The sun shined on the changing leaves, contrasting with the bright blue sky. There was a faint smell of burning leaves in the air. My dogs would walk alongside my horse, sometimes darting into the woods on the scent of an elusive rabbit or squirrel. It was such a wonderful time! I would come home, and my Dad and I would take my nephews to buy pumpkins. We'd bring enough home so that I could paint faces (vampires, clowns, pirates, even my brother!) on them, and we'd put them in our restaurant. All my memories of this time of year are so good!