Friday, October 18

The Friday Five

1. How many TVs do you have in your home? Two, one upstairs and one downstairs.

2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week? There are a few shows that I always watch... but it's not excessive.

3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children? Yes, I do... I don't think the tv should be a babysitter.

4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken? Buffy, Smallville, Scrubs, and the Sopranos.

5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like? Well, it would be like the Food Network, HGTV, and the Discovery Channel, all rolled into one!

Bill had his EEG very early this morning. He was only supposed to have a few hours sleep. We went to the late showing of the movie "Knockaround Guys" (honestly, a waste of time. I wanted to see it only because of Seth Green from his Buffy days, but it would have been better if I just waited til it was on HBO. I'm sure alot of people will go to see it because of Vin Diesel). We went to bed late and awoke before the sun shines... I felt like a zombie! We got to the hospital, and I nearly fell asleep in the office while waiting for Bill. I had to go for a walk to stay awake. I'm not good in hospitals. I always feel like everyone is there because of a tragedy. I never know whether I should make eye contact when passing by someone in the hall, or if I should just keep to myself. I don't want to appear rude. I just play it by ear. If they look at me, then I say hi, and they say hi, and we're both happy! They have the sweetest little ole lady volunteers in the information areas. They are all short with glasses, white hair and wearing cute pink smocks. They look like they would be the greatest grandmas... you just want to give them a big hug and ask them if they brought any cookies!

I was asked to go into work for the lunch hour. I guess they thought they would be very busy. I get there, and for Panera Bread is usually like, it was really slow. I guess someone called off for tonight already, so they asked if I would mind it if they send me home, and then come back at 4 and work to close. Normally, I wouldn't like doing this, but since I only live about 4 miles from the cafe, and Bill's working tonight, I said I'd do it. I'm a good egg! I had this group of three people who drove me crazy! Their accents were very heavy, but I didn't know what country they were originally from. First they said they wanted coffee, and then they said not coffee, but cappuccino. I changed the order, but they kept calling it coffee! I was thinking I was getting them the wrong drink! I told them that I would call out the lady's name when I made the cappuccinos, and she said ok. Then, she goes to one of the prep guys, and tells him she didn't get her coffees. He gives her two cups. I bring their cappuccinos to them, and she gives me this confused look, and then takes the cappuccinos and hands me the coffee cups! UGH! I still wonder if she got what she wanted! Oh well!

Thursday, October 17

We just returned from the dentist's office. Bill had to have a cavity filled. Dr. S. is so good... he specializes in people who are afraid of dentists (BILL!). It's not that Bill is actually afraid of dentists; he is afraid of the injection of novacaine he must have. Dr. S. fools you. He says, "Look at that!" while pointing at the far wall, and by the time you look, he's already injected you! Bill loves it... it's the only time he doesn't mind being fooled! Ha Ha!
I know these are going around right now, but I found them at Aurel's.

1. Your name spelled backwards. eigram
2. Where were your parents born?
Mom in upstate NY and Dad in Scranton, PA
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
A Windows update
4. What's your favorite restaurant?
Hunan Springs (excellent Chinese)
5. Last time you swam in a pool? I forgot!
6. Have you ever been in a school play? I was in Holiday pageants and chorales, but never a school play
7. How many kids do you want? One or two
8. Type of music you dislike most? Country and rap
9. Are you registered to vote? Yes
10. Do you have cable? DirectTV (we have to pay for the minimum service just to have a cable modem, but we don’t use it!)
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? No
12. Ever prank call anybody? When I was young, we used to do it, but not very often.
13. Ever get a parking ticket? Never
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? If I had to choose between the two, I would do the sky diving. Very reluctantly!
15. Furthest place you ever traveled. Las Vegas was the furthest west I have been, Niagara Falls was the furthest north, and Orlando was the furthest south.
16. Do you have a garden? Nope.
17. What's your favorite comic strip? I have too many favorites to pick just one.
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Yes
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower, morning, also sometimes before bed.
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? My Big Fat Greek Wedding
21. Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni
22. Chips or popcorn? Popcorn
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? I usually wear darker colors if I do wear lipstick, otherwise, I am addicted to Chapstick!
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? And the reason for that would be?
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? no
26. Orange Juice or apple?Orange juice
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Bill, this morning to a diner for breakfast
28. Favorite type chocolate bar? Hershey’s with Almonds
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? I forgot
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Don’t really care for raw tomatoes
31. Have you ever won a trophy? I’ve won ribbons for riding competitions.
32. Are you a good cook? I’m trying to be!
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas. Of course.
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Never, don’t watch them either.
35. Sprite or 7-up? Sprite, but I actually prefer ginger ale
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? I have to wear black pants and a collared shirt now, so it’s similar to a uniform. It’s the first time in my work career!
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? Medicine for Bill
38. Ever throw up in public? Unfortunately yes.
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? I found my true love, so this isn’t a good question for me. I don’t have to be a millionaire, but I would like all my bills to be paid off! LOL!
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.
41. Ever call a 1-900 number? No
42. Can ex's be friends? I guess so.
43. Who was the last person you visited in a Hospital? My Mom
44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? I don’t think so.
45. What message is on your answering machine? A short and tactful message by Bill..
46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Anything with Bill Murray
47. What was the name of your first pet? Taffy the dog, we always had Fluffy the cat when I was a young kid, but she wasn't my first pet... the pet that I chose. She was there before I was born!
48. What is in your purse? My wallet, a mini journal, pens, my cell phone, assorted papers, Chapstick, keys, other junk.
49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Read a book.
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? My life with Bill and our love for each other.

Wednesday, October 16

This Or That Tuesday, one day late!

1. DisneyLand or DisneyWorld? I've been to DisneyWorld twice, but I'd love to go again!
2. Amusement park or Themed park? Amusement park, definitely! The more roller coasters, the better!
3. Seashore or Mountains? The beautiful seashore!
4. Hotel/Motel or rental house? Hotel/Motel... if I'm on vacation, I don't want to make my own bed! I'd like to be pampered, and hopefully have a jacuzzi tub in the room!
5. Guided tour or aimless meandering? Aimless meandering... that is how you find alot of hidden jewels!
6. Drive or Fly or Boat? When I think "boat", I think "Titanic", so it would have to be driving or flying, depending on the distance!
7. Close or far away from home? Far away, hopefully to a place I have never been!
8. Daytrip or by the week? I've had fun doing both types!
9. Camping in a tent or the Holiday Inn? I've never wanted to go camping, so it's definitely Holiday Inn!
10. Rent a car or drive your own? If where I am going is within driving distance, it will be my own car.
I've wanted to write about this for a few days now. My husband is one happy guy. His favorite baseball team, the Anaheim Angels, are in the World Series. My brother Pete is a different story. He is one very sad guy. His team, the St. Louis Cardinals, blew it big-time! I almost feel bad, because I was caught in the middle of their daily phone calls to each other, where they ranted and raved about each other's team! I called Pete at work the other day, and he must have seen my phone number on the caller id, because he answered, "The Depths of Hell"! Apparently, he has been getting quite a few phone calls about his team falling apart. I remember when I worked in the family restaurant. I was a waitress. I set myself up for alot of ribbing from regular customers, and I always gave as good as I got! I was a huge basketball fan... my team was the Detroit Pistons (during the years of Isiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, the normal Dennis Rodman, and my favorite, Bill Laimbeer!). Every morning, I would get to work early so I could devour the sports section of the newspaper. I knew who beat who, who was on the DL, the records when certain teams played each other... I knew it all! It was so much fun! I'd have friendly arguments with Boston Celtic or Chicago Bulls fans. I'd get sympathy cards from customers when my team lost a big game. I loved it. Pete is still in that situation. He lives and breathes Cardinals baseball. Now, he has to pay the piper! I can imagine what he is going through! His dejected tone during the phone call made me think of all of this!

I also went to many pro basketball games, in both New Jersey and Philadelphia. I was lucky to see all my favorite players on the Pistons, as well as Micheal Jordan, Charles Barkley, Larry Bird, Kevin McHale (my Mom went to the NJ Nets vs. the Celtics game with me... that was her favorite team! She was so happy to see them "live"!), and many other of the "greats"! I remember standing up during half-time, holding my camera, and panning the sidelines looking for good photos. Charles Barkley just came out of the locker room and was getting ready to warm up for the second half of the game. I was only a few rows back from courtside, so I was very visible with my camera with the long lens. As I was looking at him, he looked at me, and made a small smile. I was so excited that he looked right at me, I forgot to snap the picture! ARGHHH! At least I have the memory! I also have a nice story about Bill Laimbeer, one of the original Bad Boys of Basketball. I forgot who the Pistons were playing that night. Our half-time entertainment was a young girl, probably not older than 10 at the time, and she had the amazing ability to balance and do tricks with basketballs. She was spinning and balancing about 5 basketballs at one time! Bill Laimbeer was one of the first guys out of the locker room... the rest, from both teams, were following him onto the court. The girl wasn't finished with her performance, but many of the players ignored her, and started walking onto the court. Bill stopped them, and pulled them all back off the court. It was amazing what she was doing. She got a standing ovation, from the crowd in the stands, as well as the players! There is proof that Bill Laimbeer was a gentlemen!!! (Pete, if you are reading this, this post is for you!!!!)
I am finally a happy duck! I have been having horrible withdrawl symptoms since Saturday. Even though they installed the new cable modem on Monday, it didn't work (well, maybe for just like 5 minutes!). The cable repairman just left. It was the same guy who was here on Monday, and he was so nice! He said that he saw my name added to his list, and he thought he would come out early for me, instead of making me wait until the end of the day as they usually do with add-ons. What a great guy! In between fixing my modem, he played with my dogs! As it turns out, my house got hit by lightening. It must have happened while I wasn't here. We're pretty lucky that nothing else was fried, but the modem. He fixed it, and I am now up and running! I was going insane without my Internet... I have auctions running on Ebay, email from my Yahoogroups, my blog... all of it! We even bank online, and we couldn't get to that! I feel much better now!

I have been having strange nightmares for the past few nights. I joked that maybe it's because of not being able to get online! Last night, Mel Gibson was a serial killer, and I had to catch him. The night before, I was being chased by a shark and a giant squid. Freaky!

Monday, October 14

Wow, a weekend with no computer! The cable man came today and gave me a new modem... he said he would be here between 9-5, and he arrived at 4:45! Go figure! I was afraid to leave the house for fear I would miss him, so I stayed close to home today (though I did run to pay a bill and to take the Holter monitor back to the hospital). L. came to keep me company. She brought her Scrabble game (I love Scrabble!) and proceeded to trounce me (I admit defeat... she is the Scrabble Queen!). Now I am back online! I had almost 700 emails to sift through!

An update to falling at work... I talked to another manager about falling, and she said Steve doesn't like to file any accident reports, because it looks bad for him. How nice! I have a "nice" bruise on my ribcage where I hit the garbage can, but other than that, I'm fine. Thank you for all the nice comments!