"There are seven sins in the world: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, and Politics without principle." Mahatma Gandhi
Saturday, September 21
Thought of the Day
"There are seven sins in the world: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, and Politics without principle." Mahatma Gandhi
"There are seven sins in the world: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, and Politics without principle." Mahatma Gandhi
Thanks to Kelly Caldwell for this meme.
I am: melancholy.
I think: it will all get better soon.
I know: we can do it when we set our minds to it.
I want: a bowl of homemade chicken soup.
I have: alot on my mind.
I wish: I were wandering around the galleries of an art museum right now.
I hate: waiting.
I miss: my parents.
I fear: losing my mind.
I hear: the hum of the air conditioner.
I wander: around the neighborhood when I walk my dogs.
I regret: not asking more questions.
I love: Bill.
I ache: for my Mom.
I care: that animals don't get hurt.
I always: forget to close the cupboard doors.
I am not: a rocket scientist.
I dance: with my dogs... we do the doggie wiggle.
I sing: whenever I can.
I cry: when I can't help it.
I do not always: speak before thinking.
I fight: uphill battles.
I write: lots of letters.
I win: hockey games.
I lose: track of the time when I'm online.
I confuse: myself often.
I listen: to XM Radio.
I can usually be found: in a book store.
I need: to not worry so much.
I am happy about: my life with Bill.
I should: go check on the laundry.
I am: melancholy.
I think: it will all get better soon.
I know: we can do it when we set our minds to it.
I want: a bowl of homemade chicken soup.
I have: alot on my mind.
I wish: I were wandering around the galleries of an art museum right now.
I hate: waiting.
I miss: my parents.
I fear: losing my mind.
I hear: the hum of the air conditioner.
I wander: around the neighborhood when I walk my dogs.
I regret: not asking more questions.
I love: Bill.
I ache: for my Mom.
I care: that animals don't get hurt.
I always: forget to close the cupboard doors.
I am not: a rocket scientist.
I dance: with my dogs... we do the doggie wiggle.
I sing: whenever I can.
I cry: when I can't help it.
I do not always: speak before thinking.
I fight: uphill battles.
I write: lots of letters.
I win: hockey games.
I lose: track of the time when I'm online.
I confuse: myself often.
I listen: to XM Radio.
I can usually be found: in a book store.
I need: to not worry so much.
I am happy about: my life with Bill.
I should: go check on the laundry.
Friday, September 20
Today's Friday Five
1. Would you say that you're good at keeping in touch with people? I think so. I love to write snail mail letters, and to send cards for no reason than just to say hi. I email people alot, too. I move alot, so I do try to keep in touch.
2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why? I prefer face-to-face meetings. I've never been that good on the phone.
3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it? I used to have both AOL and Yahoo, but Bill deleted Yahoo. I'm bad with AOLIM though, because I have to remember to turn it on, and I don't always do that. Usually, when I'm online, I'm doing something important, and the IM tends to be a nuisance.
4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away? My best friend lives close by. My family lives about an hour away. My penpals are from all over the world.
5. Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person, or do you believe that "distance makes the heart grow fonder"? It really depends on who we are talking about.
1. Would you say that you're good at keeping in touch with people? I think so. I love to write snail mail letters, and to send cards for no reason than just to say hi. I email people alot, too. I move alot, so I do try to keep in touch.
2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why? I prefer face-to-face meetings. I've never been that good on the phone.
3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it? I used to have both AOL and Yahoo, but Bill deleted Yahoo. I'm bad with AOLIM though, because I have to remember to turn it on, and I don't always do that. Usually, when I'm online, I'm doing something important, and the IM tends to be a nuisance.
4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away? My best friend lives close by. My family lives about an hour away. My penpals are from all over the world.
5. Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person, or do you believe that "distance makes the heart grow fonder"? It really depends on who we are talking about.
Thursday, September 19
It's funny how you can play Spider Solitaire, and your mind starts to wander. I often wonder why I can't beat it, but now I know why. I started thinking about my family. I realize that I am running out of people to ask about my family history. Both of my parents are gone, along with all of my grandparents. All of that knowledge of older generations... gone. It's times like these when you wish you listened better, or at least wrote things down. My oldest remaining relative is my Great Aunt Jennie, who lives in New York State. She is in her nineties, and has been in a nursing home for as long as I can remember. I remember sending her birthday and holiday cards, and sometimes going to visit her, but that is it. A few weeks ago, I get an email from my aunt Beverly, my Mom's sister, who lives near my Great Aunt Jenny. She says she is rushed, but she doesn't think that Jenny will be with this world for long. I emailled her back (not having her phone number) with my phone number, and a message to let me know what happens. I get another quick email back, saying she will let me know, but she is in a hurry because her son Pat, my cousin, is getting married, and she has to get dressed. That's it. I haven't heard anything since. I finally called my brother yesterday and asked if he heard anything, and he said he called Bev and found out Jenny is still alive. Well, I'm glad, truly, but how would I know if anything had happened to her? I would have liked to have gone to the funeral, in honor of my Mom who loved Aunt Jenny. I have cousins whom I don't know. It's crazy.
I remember sitting in the limo, after my Dad's funeral. We were being driven to the cemetary after the church service. I said to my aunt Sally, my Father's sister, we can't lose touch... we are family and we need to stay together. We started crying and made promises while hugging each other, that we would stay close. Almost seven years later, seven years of hardly speaking to each other, we made those same promises at my Mother's funeral. I exchanged email addresses with all of my cousins and my Aunt Sally, with promises to keep in touch. One email from Sally telling me my Uncle Roland had a stroke and was in hospital, but that is it. A few forwarded jokes from my cousins, and that soon petered out (I don't like email forwards anyway... I like real email... email with substance, so I didn't mind).
I have an Uncle Ted, my Father's brother, who broke away from the family after some nasty business concerning the restaurant that my Grandfather owned and passed onto my Father. Years ago, bad things were said, and hearts were broken, and eventually hardened against each other. Because of this, I have a cousin whom I barely know... I wouldn't recognize him on the street. Then, at my Mother's viewing, my Uncle Ted walks in, and tells us how sorry he is. He says that sometimes you regret things you did, and then it's too late to take it back. He will never be able to make it right. We asked him if he was coming to the church service the next day, but he said he couldn't that he had to work. The next day, as I was standing in the second row in the church, I turned around, and there was my uncle. I'm guessing in honor of my parents, and perhaps on a deeper level to make up for all the lost years, he found a way to make it. I hope, where ever my parents are, they saw that my uncle was there.
I get so mad sometimes. What is wrong with my family? Doesn't anyone understand that life is so short... that it's not enough to come to a funeral and tell someone how much you missed them? We are all we have... our history is in each of us. I need to know what my Dad was like as a little boy, or what instruments did my Mom play in high school. I am running out of people to ask about that. It isn't fair... we should be closer... not necessarily in miles, but in the heart. My sister wonders why I get so mad sometimes when it seems like she never makes the effort to come and visit me. This is why. We can be taken from this world in the blink of an eye. It isn't enough to just nod at each other in passing. We should embrace each other and learn all that we can, before it's too late.
I remember sitting in the limo, after my Dad's funeral. We were being driven to the cemetary after the church service. I said to my aunt Sally, my Father's sister, we can't lose touch... we are family and we need to stay together. We started crying and made promises while hugging each other, that we would stay close. Almost seven years later, seven years of hardly speaking to each other, we made those same promises at my Mother's funeral. I exchanged email addresses with all of my cousins and my Aunt Sally, with promises to keep in touch. One email from Sally telling me my Uncle Roland had a stroke and was in hospital, but that is it. A few forwarded jokes from my cousins, and that soon petered out (I don't like email forwards anyway... I like real email... email with substance, so I didn't mind).
I have an Uncle Ted, my Father's brother, who broke away from the family after some nasty business concerning the restaurant that my Grandfather owned and passed onto my Father. Years ago, bad things were said, and hearts were broken, and eventually hardened against each other. Because of this, I have a cousin whom I barely know... I wouldn't recognize him on the street. Then, at my Mother's viewing, my Uncle Ted walks in, and tells us how sorry he is. He says that sometimes you regret things you did, and then it's too late to take it back. He will never be able to make it right. We asked him if he was coming to the church service the next day, but he said he couldn't that he had to work. The next day, as I was standing in the second row in the church, I turned around, and there was my uncle. I'm guessing in honor of my parents, and perhaps on a deeper level to make up for all the lost years, he found a way to make it. I hope, where ever my parents are, they saw that my uncle was there.
I get so mad sometimes. What is wrong with my family? Doesn't anyone understand that life is so short... that it's not enough to come to a funeral and tell someone how much you missed them? We are all we have... our history is in each of us. I need to know what my Dad was like as a little boy, or what instruments did my Mom play in high school. I am running out of people to ask about that. It isn't fair... we should be closer... not necessarily in miles, but in the heart. My sister wonders why I get so mad sometimes when it seems like she never makes the effort to come and visit me. This is why. We can be taken from this world in the blink of an eye. It isn't enough to just nod at each other in passing. We should embrace each other and learn all that we can, before it's too late.
Wednesday, September 18
My brother Pete phoned me today to ask me if I saw the story in the NY Post. I hadn't, but he read it to me, and then I found the story on their website. I am an artist. I am for freedom of expression. I realize that not everyone wants to paint flowers and teddy bears and children frolicking through the meadow. Not everything will be all pink and rosy. Knowing this, I never understood why some people get so upset over things that do shock the senses or sensibilities (i.e. art with blood or human body fluids). If it bothers you, don't go to see it. No one is dragging you into the museum and forcing you to look at it. Everyone has their own taste, and that is what makes us different. After reading the story about "Tumbling Woman", the sculpture created by Eric Fischl, which is on display at Rockefeller Center in the middle of Manhattan, I think I have finally drawn the line. It is one thing when you have to buy a ticket and walk into a museum to see something. But why place this sculpture, which depicts a naked woman's moment of impact following her leap from the World Trade Center, in the middle of a public place, in the heart of the city where this tragedy occured? Children walk by with their parents; workers who lost friendsor co-workers eat their lunch next to it; and shoppers can't help but walk past it. I am not sure who's idea it was to display the sculpture there, but it was in violently bad taste. Enough is enough, let the people heal without slamming something so horrifying in their faces.
I awoke today feeling very bad... not sick, just bad. I didn't feel up to doing anything, but I did have to go to the post office to mail out some Ebay stuff. While getting out of the truck at the P.O., I noticed that the front right tire was very low on air. L. brought it to my attention a while back, but I forgot about it. Now it was even lower than when she saw it. I phoned Bill, and asked him what he would suggest. He said, "Take it to JiffyLube... you need an oil change anyway". As I think back on this, I realize I should have gone to a tire place, but I went to JiffyLube. I really don't like that place. I understand that they have to make money. But why call yourself JiffyLube if you are going to try to do alot more than what the name suggests? First thing they do is bring the oil filter over to me and say it's filthy (it wasn't really). Then they say the oil is really black and you need an engine flush. Then they say that the one arm of the windshield wiper is almost broken and they should fix it. I think they saw me coming from a mile away ( I don't think it helped that I pulled the truck in at this very odd angle, kinda blocking both lanes... had "dumb chick" stamped on my forehead). I understand the mechanics work on commission... the more they do the more they get paid. But this happens to me everytime I go. I brought my not even a year old car into a JiffyLube once, and they still managed to find things wrong with it! I don't know why I keep going back, I guess I'm a creature of habit! But as it turns out, I did get the oil change, and a cheap flush ($10 instead of $50) of the engine (I phoned Bill and he said go ahead and do it... make the mechanics day). The tire? Well, they put air in it, but that's all they really could do. He said he didn't see a nail, but that's not to say that there isn't a nail there somewhere. All I can think of now is that I'll be driving the truck, and suddenly the tire will blow. The tires for the 4Runners are nearly $200 buck a piece! UGH! If it's still leaking, hopefully, I can get by with a patch. All I wanted to do was take it easy today!
Tuesday, September 17
Whirled Peas
I had an idea, and wrote about it in letters to some of my penpals half a year ago. I've been thinking about it again. I've come to believe that there will never truly be world peace. Someone always has to hate someone else. I have a very simple idea of how to bring peace to the world. Give everyone a penpal in a different country. Start it when the person is young, so that they will make a life-long friend. If there is someone that you care about in another country, would you want something bad to happen to that country, and possilbly harm your friend? Would you want to go to war with that country? Or would you do what you can to solve the problem, and not bring any harm to that person? I have penpals all over the world... Germany, Croatia, Sweden, England, Sri Lanka, and more. When I hear that there is a train crash outside of London, I worry about my friend Louise, until I hear from her. When I heard about the floods in Prague, I worried about Jacqueline, who was on vacation in the city. When the tragedy of 9/11 occured, I recieved an email from my long-time penpal, Louise, wanting to know if I was ok. She continued to email me, telling me about the candlelight vigils in London that were being held in honor of the victims. She told me of the moment of silence that stilled her entire country. She is a good friend, though I have never met her in person. I realize that there are forces of nature that are beyond our control, but if you solved the man-made problems, problems our governments create, with the safety of your friend in mind, I believe it would stop alot of the issues that we are all worrying about now. I understand that there is no easy cure, but we need to start somewhere. Maybe with the simplest of ideas, we can change the world.
I had an idea, and wrote about it in letters to some of my penpals half a year ago. I've been thinking about it again. I've come to believe that there will never truly be world peace. Someone always has to hate someone else. I have a very simple idea of how to bring peace to the world. Give everyone a penpal in a different country. Start it when the person is young, so that they will make a life-long friend. If there is someone that you care about in another country, would you want something bad to happen to that country, and possilbly harm your friend? Would you want to go to war with that country? Or would you do what you can to solve the problem, and not bring any harm to that person? I have penpals all over the world... Germany, Croatia, Sweden, England, Sri Lanka, and more. When I hear that there is a train crash outside of London, I worry about my friend Louise, until I hear from her. When I heard about the floods in Prague, I worried about Jacqueline, who was on vacation in the city. When the tragedy of 9/11 occured, I recieved an email from my long-time penpal, Louise, wanting to know if I was ok. She continued to email me, telling me about the candlelight vigils in London that were being held in honor of the victims. She told me of the moment of silence that stilled her entire country. She is a good friend, though I have never met her in person. I realize that there are forces of nature that are beyond our control, but if you solved the man-made problems, problems our governments create, with the safety of your friend in mind, I believe it would stop alot of the issues that we are all worrying about now. I understand that there is no easy cure, but we need to start somewhere. Maybe with the simplest of ideas, we can change the world.
Bill is encroaching on my stained glass space. The room was supposed to be my stained glass workshop, but gave in to him doing some work in there, thinking it would be cute to share the space with him while he rebuilds computers. I just went downstairs to check on him, and he now has three non-working computers on top of my table, plus a monitor. My glass grinder and cutting board are pushed up into the tiniest spaces on the corner of the table. My stool has a computer on it. My smaller table has a computer on it. The computers are growing like weeds. If I don't do something quick, I have a feeling my SG stuff will be out in the garage soon (oh... I hope he doesn't read this, as it will give him ideas!). I have to go look for a table for him. He really is a piece of work.
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WATER OF WATER. Pretty lady! Fair and gentle, your empathy attracts others to you. Possibly psychic, you are pure emotion and are more likely to act on feeling rather than practical thought or logic. You think that's just fine because imagination is important. You are the Whore of Babylon with her cup of abominable things, the Medium of Endor and in the mundane world you usually make a good wife and mother. You shine when you are able to give emotional support to others. |
Monday, September 16
Playing Around with a Journal Prompt
I Am
And alot more!
I Am
- a woman
- a wife
- an artist
- a friend
- a sister
- an aunt
- a niece
- a cousin
- a dog "mom"
- a penpal
- a dreamer
- an Ebayer
- a museum goer
- a movie watcher
- an online journaller
- a wannabe chef
- a reader
- a thinker
- a laugher
- a closet singer
- a shopper
- a rubber stamper
- a good listener
- a collector
- an emailler
- a music lover
- a soda addict
- a chocoholic
- an animal lover
- a traveller
- a worrier
- a coffee drinker
- an art lover
- a photographer
- a nature admirer
- a flower smeller
- a smiler
- a night owl rather than an early bird
- a horseback rider
- a painter
- a talker
- a broccoli hater
- a yard saler and flea marketer
- a Buffalo Sabre hockey fan
- unique
- me
And alot more!
Sunday, September 15
I'm feeling very dramatic. I went to a new place yesterday to have my hair cut, and I'm so glad I did! I walked out with a new color! I was thinking about this for a while, and asked the stylist if she had time to do it instead of just a cut. She said she did. I already had my natural brown with some blonde highlights in it. I wanted to go dark... really dark. She got all excited and said she loves to play with color... she really made it a fun event for me! My hair is now very dark red-brown... in the shade it looks black. I love it! I feel exotic almost! HAHA!
After I had my hair done, I went to Barnes & Nobles to put in an application for part-time work. Bill and I had been talking for a while about it... he said I don't have to, but it would do me good to do something different a few days out of the week. I am always in the book store, so, I thought, what the heck! The employees get a 30% discount on books, so you know where my whole paycheck will go! I believe the person who gave me the application was the store manager. I went into the cafe to fill it out, and when I finished and brought it back to customer service, there was a different person there. She said she would give it to the manager when she came back. She pointed to the registers... the woman was ringing up customers. I take that as a sign that they need help if the manager has to work the registers (or they just don't put alot of people on the schedule...), so we shall see. I won't be heartbroken if they don't call. I do have retail experience, so they would be missing out since I would be an asset! :) I also put an application at Borders, another store I could live in if I had to!
Bill and I are excited... tonight is the premiere of the Sopranos on HBO! WHOO HOO! It's been 16 long months since we saw a new episode, and we are psyched! I'm making a special Mexican vegetarian dinner to celebrate, and we will be all set! (Although, I just realized it should be Italian... well, we can pretend it's Italian!).
After I had my hair done, I went to Barnes & Nobles to put in an application for part-time work. Bill and I had been talking for a while about it... he said I don't have to, but it would do me good to do something different a few days out of the week. I am always in the book store, so, I thought, what the heck! The employees get a 30% discount on books, so you know where my whole paycheck will go! I believe the person who gave me the application was the store manager. I went into the cafe to fill it out, and when I finished and brought it back to customer service, there was a different person there. She said she would give it to the manager when she came back. She pointed to the registers... the woman was ringing up customers. I take that as a sign that they need help if the manager has to work the registers (or they just don't put alot of people on the schedule...), so we shall see. I won't be heartbroken if they don't call. I do have retail experience, so they would be missing out since I would be an asset! :) I also put an application at Borders, another store I could live in if I had to!
Bill and I are excited... tonight is the premiere of the Sopranos on HBO! WHOO HOO! It's been 16 long months since we saw a new episode, and we are psyched! I'm making a special Mexican vegetarian dinner to celebrate, and we will be all set! (Although, I just realized it should be Italian... well, we can pretend it's Italian!).