We now have two-way cable modem connection! Woo Hoo! Bill is doing the "Happy Dance" as he envisions a totally wireless home (huh?). No more dinky one way cable for us! Much faster when uploading pics to Ebay and to Picture Trail!
Saturday, November 23
Doing a random search for Thanksgiving images, I found this very life-like turkey made entirely of butter by sculptor Jim Victor. His site is a little slow to load, but the images of cows and horses made from butter, and a dragon carved from Kraft cheese aren't to be missed!

Doing a random search for Thanksgiving images, I found this very life-like turkey made entirely of butter by sculptor Jim Victor. His site is a little slow to load, but the images of cows and horses made from butter, and a dragon carved from Kraft cheese aren't to be missed!
Thursday, November 21
It was the first day of deer hunting season, nearly 18 years ago. I was babysitting my nephew John, while his father was out hunting with our neighbors and some of their friends. I remember watching "Sesame Street" with my nephew, when suddenly my brother's stepson Mark, who is my age, burst into the house and said that my brother Pete had been shot. I don't remember much of what happened after that. I remember hearing the sound of helicopters,and wondering why they were there (I later learned that they were from the local tv news channels, trying to get footage of the "first accident of the hunting season". They beat the ambulance to the hospital, and filmed the EMT's removing my brother's stretcher from the back of the ambulance. All you could see was my brother's head, but it was enough to make the news). I don't remember how I got to the hospital, but I know that Mark and I were the first to arrive. Someone gave me the bag of his bloodied clothes and his boots. Later, his wife arrived, as well as a priest.
My neighbor forgot to put his rifle on safety. As he and my brother were getting into his truck, he went to place the rifle on the gun rack hanging from the rear window of the truck. Something caught the trigger, and the rifle went off, exploding through the door, and sending bits of scrapnel into my brother's body. The bulk of the damage was in his abdomen, but he also got scrapnel in his eye, chest, and arm. He was in critical intensive care, then was transferred to a hospital in Philadelphia so he could be close to Wills Eye Hospital.
I'm thinking about this now for a couple reasons. It will soon be another anniversary of when the accident happened. My brother doesn't hunt anymore, though he makes a show out of being excited for everyone else who does. My old neighbor still hunts, and I wonder if he remembers what he did that day. Mark still hunts. I wonder how they do it.
Another reason was that I was thinking about my Mom. I remember she was a chaperone that year for my high school trip to Radio City Music Hall's Christmas Show. We were in NYC the same day that Pete was having major surgery. My Dad had convinced us that the best thing to do would be to go on the trip. Dad never lost faith that Pete would come home, that he would be ok. My Mom and I had seats in the balcony. It seemed every song, whether a solemn carol or a cheerful song, had a special, secret meaning for us. Then, a man came on stage and in the style of early Frank Sinatra, sang "I'll Be Home For Christmas". Mom and I sat there, grasping each other's hands with tears falling down our face. We cried for different reasons. Mom cried out of fear that she would never see her son again. I, on the other hand, knew I would.
Pete was home for Christmas that year. Pounds lighter from his ordeal, with no desire for a cigarette (what a way to quit cold turkey), lots of bandages here and there on his body, and moving slow, but he was home and he was alive. All he wanted to do was to come home and see his son. He was worried that since Johnny was just a year old, he was afraid that he would forget who he was. I remember Pete walking around my parent's house that day, dressed in his denim overalls (they didn't put pressure on his abdomen) and his arm in a splint. Gifts were exchanged, but we all knew what our true gift was... the miracle that saved my brother's life. It was a very special and significant Christmas that year.
My neighbor forgot to put his rifle on safety. As he and my brother were getting into his truck, he went to place the rifle on the gun rack hanging from the rear window of the truck. Something caught the trigger, and the rifle went off, exploding through the door, and sending bits of scrapnel into my brother's body. The bulk of the damage was in his abdomen, but he also got scrapnel in his eye, chest, and arm. He was in critical intensive care, then was transferred to a hospital in Philadelphia so he could be close to Wills Eye Hospital.
I'm thinking about this now for a couple reasons. It will soon be another anniversary of when the accident happened. My brother doesn't hunt anymore, though he makes a show out of being excited for everyone else who does. My old neighbor still hunts, and I wonder if he remembers what he did that day. Mark still hunts. I wonder how they do it.
Another reason was that I was thinking about my Mom. I remember she was a chaperone that year for my high school trip to Radio City Music Hall's Christmas Show. We were in NYC the same day that Pete was having major surgery. My Dad had convinced us that the best thing to do would be to go on the trip. Dad never lost faith that Pete would come home, that he would be ok. My Mom and I had seats in the balcony. It seemed every song, whether a solemn carol or a cheerful song, had a special, secret meaning for us. Then, a man came on stage and in the style of early Frank Sinatra, sang "I'll Be Home For Christmas". Mom and I sat there, grasping each other's hands with tears falling down our face. We cried for different reasons. Mom cried out of fear that she would never see her son again. I, on the other hand, knew I would.
Pete was home for Christmas that year. Pounds lighter from his ordeal, with no desire for a cigarette (what a way to quit cold turkey), lots of bandages here and there on his body, and moving slow, but he was home and he was alive. All he wanted to do was to come home and see his son. He was worried that since Johnny was just a year old, he was afraid that he would forget who he was. I remember Pete walking around my parent's house that day, dressed in his denim overalls (they didn't put pressure on his abdomen) and his arm in a splint. Gifts were exchanged, but we all knew what our true gift was... the miracle that saved my brother's life. It was a very special and significant Christmas that year.
My husband won't like me saying this, but I wish it would snow! The weather is dreary and rainy and grey today, and just plain boring! I called my brother yesterday, and he informed me that they have 6 inches of snow on the ground (he's only 75 miles north of where I live... how can that be?). I have to admit, I was actually a little jealous! In my neck of the woods, we haven't had a significant snowfall in a couple of years. I'm not actually looking for a giant blizzard, but some white on the ground would be nice. I love the cozy feeling of curling up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate (marshmallows, please!) while looking out the window and watching it snow. I also like going for a walk in the snow... it must be the kid in me that still gives me the desire to make snow angels! I like wearing sweaters and snowboots. My dogs love chasing after snowballs that they can never find because it just blends in with the rest of the snow (though they do try!). I love the idea of the first snowfall!
We were at Barnes & Nobles today, and I found a new hardcover edition of Laurell K. Hamilton's "Guilty Pleasures", the book that introduces Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. I loved this book, and read it all in one sitting! I was tempted to buy the book (I originally read it in paperback), just to have it in my collection, and because I love the jacket art, but I decided to wait and see if Santa brings it to me! If any of you haven't read any of Laurell's books, I definitely recommend all of them!
Wednesday, November 20
Random Thoughts:
* I would love to spend Christmas in another country... just to see what their customs and traditions are like.
* I would like Thanksgiving and Christmas to be more of a celebration of the holiday rather than a day spent in the car driving from one family to another. I'm in the car more than I'm visiting family.
* I was watching the new channel called "Fine Living" last night. There is a show called "American Homes" of which I caught the tail end. They featured a modern house with an open floor plan, a two-story tall wall of translucent windows, and a catwalk connecting the two rooms on the second floor. I want that house!
* Micheal Jackson should not have children.
* Ben Affleck is NOT the sexiest man alive. I'm a fool for action figures (comics and the movies), and I don't think I'll go see "Daredevil" just because he is in it.
*I need to start writing out my Christmas cards.
*I got a book from the library today all about Paint Shop Pro 7, and I will attempt to teach myself how to use the program, since it is just doing nothing on my computer!
* I'm not allowed to say why, but I am very proud of my husband for something he is about to do. He thinks what he is going to do isn't a big deal, but it is.
* My sister should stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and concentrate on making herself the best at what she does. In terms of business, she should take to heart Fox Mulder's words, "Trust No One".
* I would love to spend Christmas in another country... just to see what their customs and traditions are like.
* I would like Thanksgiving and Christmas to be more of a celebration of the holiday rather than a day spent in the car driving from one family to another. I'm in the car more than I'm visiting family.
* I was watching the new channel called "Fine Living" last night. There is a show called "American Homes" of which I caught the tail end. They featured a modern house with an open floor plan, a two-story tall wall of translucent windows, and a catwalk connecting the two rooms on the second floor. I want that house!
* Micheal Jackson should not have children.
* Ben Affleck is NOT the sexiest man alive. I'm a fool for action figures (comics and the movies), and I don't think I'll go see "Daredevil" just because he is in it.
*I need to start writing out my Christmas cards.
*I got a book from the library today all about Paint Shop Pro 7, and I will attempt to teach myself how to use the program, since it is just doing nothing on my computer!
* I'm not allowed to say why, but I am very proud of my husband for something he is about to do. He thinks what he is going to do isn't a big deal, but it is.
* My sister should stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and concentrate on making herself the best at what she does. In terms of business, she should take to heart Fox Mulder's words, "Trust No One".
Tuesday, November 19
I went to see the new Harry Potter movie today! I loved it! I like to imagine a world full of magic! I have never read the books, but I saw the first movie on DVD and now I'm hooked.
Monday, November 18
At work yesterday, I had a customer with a headache. How did I know this? Well, she told me. Before she ordered her food, she felt she needed to tell me that she had a headache. I just stood there thinking, "should I offer her some aspirin?". I don't know what her point was. But it all went downhill from there. She was angry that we were out of the bagel that she wanted. Her daughter lost the cup I had given her for her soda. She didn't hear the food prep guys announce her name when her sandwiches were ready. She sat there for twenty minutes, stewing in her own juices, before she felt the need to get up and find a manager to complain to about me, and how I ruined her life. Just a suggestion people... if you are having a really bad day, do us all a favor and stay at home til you feel better so not to subject your nasty self on unsuspecting people who are just trying to do their job.
My Participation Positives for today:
*Being so proud of Bill.
*Great memories of my parents.
*Knowing what it's like to not have a penny in your pocket, and being able to deal with it.
*A little dog curled up in your lap while you read your mail.
*Watching Bill play Dungeon Siege
*Being so proud of Bill.
*Great memories of my parents.
*Knowing what it's like to not have a penny in your pocket, and being able to deal with it.
*A little dog curled up in your lap while you read your mail.
*Watching Bill play Dungeon Siege